Ulrich Marzolph is a professor of Islamic Studies at the Georg-
August-University in Göttingen, Germany, and a senior member of
the editorial committee of the Enzyklopädie des Märchens. He specializes
in the narrative culture of the Islamic Near and Middle East, with
particular emphasis on Arab and Persian folk narrative, popular literature,
and related fields.
In the Verlag für Orientkunde he published the following books:
Ulrich Marzolph: Das gedruckte Buch im Vorderen Orient (VfO 34). Dortmund 2002, 145 pages with 20 illustrations
ISBN 3-936687-34-X, € 59,00
Ulrich Marzolph: Ex Oriente Fabula. Beiträge zur Erforschung der narrativen Kultur des islamischen Vorderen Orients, Part 1 (VfO 35). Dortmund 2005, 283 pages
ISBN 3-936687-35-8, € 49,90
Ulrich Marzolph: Ex Oriente Fabula. Exploring the Narrative Culture of the Islamic Near and Middle East, Part 2 (VfO 36). Dortmund 2006, 337 pages
ISBN 3-936687-36-6, € 49,90